Dear Father in Heaven ,the God that was not made nor created ,you are the I am THAT was and is .
This Morning I bring NIGERIAN NATIONAL election to you ,as you know ,many of us reason like idiots by choice ,some prefer to work and walk in darkness but after some days they will start calling your name as if you did not give us the chance to choose between good and evil.
I start with Presidential candidates ,even though we have more than 6 contestants ,but only 2 are contesting .
Father ,one candidate promised us before that BLOOD will flow ,that BABOONS and Monkeys will soak in blood if he did not win on his 3rd quest for same position ,remember that he hated such position to be decided through ballot instead of BARREL of GUN, the hatred was so brazen that he single handedly truncated a democratic government . Yes before I forget ,not only did he truncate the democracy he set a standard that baffled even himself ,,MAY the life of those that knew all this evil deeds and still crave for his return henceforth be like his deed as above -AMEN
[1] He will check your religion ,if you are not in same religion with him ,you must go to PRISON and the least term is 130 years ,but if you are of same faith with him ,then you get TO LIVE IN A HOUSE WITH POMP AND PAGENTARY .,,,,
MAY the life of those that knew all this evil deeds and still crave for his return henceforth be like his deed as above -AMEN
[2] He swear that corruption must be eradicated ,but as we look to see how it will happen ,he stated by –SENDING out his soldier to go to any warehouse that does not belong to his religious sect ,if they check out your business name and it has anything to do with OKEKE or OKAFOR or sound IGBOISH ,they will stop ,use hammer and break the keys ,then proceed to sale everything in that warehouse at prices they deem fit.They did not visit any WAREHOUSE called DANTATA which is larger and stockier than all the targeted warehouses ,then he auction the goods without considering the cost incurred by the importer ,he did not subsidize the price nor help them in anyway to bring down the cost ,but he used the powers of the Gun and render many families useless and koboless just because they are not worshipping same GOD with him……
MAY the life of those that knew all this evil deeds and still crave for his return henceforth be like his deed as above –AMEN
[3]He changed our currency and promulgated a decree that provides that every item that comes into the nation must be screened 100% not exemption ,but Dear God ,when his partner and friend ,the EMIR OF GWADU came in with 53 SUITCASES ,he made sure that it must enter the nation un-opened ,which made the AA OF CUSTOMS then ,ALHAJI ABUBAKAR to resign from Customs because 53 suitcases of DRUGS cannot be allowed through his nose without settlement .
MAY the life of those that knew all this evil deeds and still crave for his return henceforth be like his deed as above -AMEN
[4] Father ,I wish to remind you that this same man that prance about and using voodoo to brain wash even the erect was same person that started this corruption in Nigeria ,let me remind myself that it was in 1977 as PETROLEUM SECTRETARY UNDER GENERAL OLUSEGUN OBSANAJO that he stole our 2.8 BILLION NAIRA ,which is about 3 BILLION DOLLARS then and bank same in MIDLAND BANK LONDON ,and when Shagari wanted to probe that money ,he was removed with the barrel of the GUN and the treacherous man took over and run the nation in 2 segments –MUSLIMS were his favorites and CHRISTIAN became his WHORE .
MAY the life of those that knew all this evil deeds and still crave for his return henceforth be like his deed as above -AMEN
[5]The last time he asked for our mandate ,which the nation said HELL NO ,he activated a sect that spill blood without remorse ,even though he swore that he can never contest election again ,but now he is out again showing that he has no moral or that his words can never be taking serious ,now he promised again that BABOONS and MONKEYS blood will flow ,but Dear God ,I pray that anybody that wants blood for this election will have that of his family or his family will use his blood to pay the price for such pronouncement .The nation has paid enough price and beside this men never allowed their own children near any polling booth but they want us to fight for them ,only for them to continue with the oligarchy and lock out the voting masses …..
MAY the life of those that knew all this evil deeds and still crave for his return henceforth be like his deed as above -AMEN
Dear God ,this man came in and meet a nation that is in LIMBO ,a decayed society gripped with acute corruption ,a nation that was fashioned to be governed by a group of BORN TO RULE MENTALITY .Then he came and started by re-builiding our decadence ,now we have a workable agriculture ,a moving Train ,a steady supply of PMS /PETROL and no longer sleeping at filling stations just to get enough fuel to power your car.Salaries are paid by swift transfer ,just get close to your phone and you will receive alert .
Today even oppositions can win any election even when the Power in central has what it takes to do it OBJ STYLE ,yet they prefer to make every vote count.
Daddy ,I am surprise that this days people insult the President and call him names and he will do nothing about it ? against what we all know about this nation that when you say anything against the President ,they will snuff life out of you for good.
Dear Father ,I pray that all the reformations as carried on by the incumbent shall be my portion ,also portion of those that believe in greater and more peaceful Nigeria .We shall gain a better and peaceful state and those that wanted CHANGE shall gain a BOMB FILLED CHANGE which they preach.
We the people who love good things shall continue to use better life ,while those that swore with religious material that blood must be spilled and also they made sure that they carried out the mission,those that seconded them shall use their own blood to replace the innocent targets ,they shall enjoy ANALOG and antiquated life style ,A DRACONIAN life style and hypocritical poise as paraded by their principal .
I remembered some shouted change in LAGOS ,a man that was sacked by GOV FASHOLA just under 3 months for been the most corrupt person in that government ,he was returned now as the GOVERNOR wanna be ? even though while he served Fashola he was a DIE HARD MUSLIM but see how they changed his name now ,they removed the ALHAJI in his name and simply call him AMBODE that way they will pull wools over our eyes and confuse us to believe that he is a Christian..that is the kind of Change they plotted.
This same Change said they borrowed money to buy Form for GRAND DAD that hated democracy ,but they did not tell us how they intend to pay back the loan ,we all know that the Form was bought at 27 million ,which he said he borrowed ,but few weeks after the wife of same man that borrowed 27 million donated 135million to ADAMAWA and the question is WHO IS FOOLING WHO ?
The man said he is not sick but meanwhile we know that the plans and plot of his manipulator is to use him and gain entrance into our Federal coffer,then as he plotted on making the OSUNBANJO to resign after election and make the MANIPULATOR VICE president ,thereby making way for him to ascend the throne if the President dies of ill health or he may help the President to get that wish faster .
Father I pray that anybody that plans to shed another blood just to help his carrier especially in this election ,kindly do us a great favor and let that person not live up to that election ,yes ,only you can snuff the life out of any of them without apologies.
Any person that thinks killing innocent people will gain him such cause ,may his family all pay the price in his very presence .
Father this election will be more peaceful than every election ever held in NIGERIA and you shall enthrone HE that you know will salvage this nation from the diabolical plot of the west ,especially when they plotted on making us having MEN WED MEN AND WOMEN ON WOMEN but to us it is great abomination.
Before I share the grace ,I wish to complain that WESTERN NATION did not like PREZ GOODLUCK just because he said no to SAME SEX MARRIAGE ,Father the west like LESBIANISM AND HOMOSEXUALISM and we don,t ,can they just respect our choice same way we respect their own choice ?
They want us to accept that our children will tell us FUCK YOU and we smile like them and say thank you ,but because we prefer to use KOBOKO and flog some sense into any child that tries that in our soil ,they call it child abuse ,but the same sect of western bullies will conspire and invade IRAQ ,LIBYA and kill them in great numbers and makes no apology for the aborrminable killing just because they wanted complete control over oil. We understand that they predicted that NIGERIA must end in 2015 and they are supporting a MOST VIOLENT MAN that will help and enthrone anarchy ,but hence JONATHAN refused to allow the blood letting to start and thereby make them fulfill their prediction ,they are now running from pillar to post .
Father in heaven ,we pray as your power pass their own power show them why you are GOD and they are just a dog ,they cannot foist evil on us just because they crave to control our land and our oil. They plotted the fall of OIL and they crashed many currencies and yet that is not enough for them ,what again do they want from us ?
Daddy ,I pray that you bully the bullies and I pray that our ELECTION shall be most FREE AND FAIR and not even mosquito shall be killed in cause of that election and may greater shame be unto those that wish us blood spilling in JESUS NAME I PRAY ..
Your Son on mission –MAZI ODERA
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Thursday, 19 March 2015
Thursday, 12 March 2015
Counter-insurgency force: Washington backs UN resolution on Boko Haram regional force
The United States has supported the creation of a West African force of up to 10 000 troops to fight Nigerian Islamist group Boko Haram, a US defence official said on Wednesday.
The 54-nation African Union has approved the force and has asked the United Nations to endorse it urgently, after attacks by the group in northeastern Nigeria and neighbouring Chad, Niger and Cameroon as it seeks to carve out an Islamic state.
US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defence for African Affairs Amanda J Dory said on a visit to Cameroon that Washington, one of five veto-holding members of the UN Security Council, would back a UN resolution.
“The US is providing diplomatic support in terms of engagement in the UN Security Council for the awaited resolution authorising the deployment of a Multinational Joint Task Force by the African Union against Boko Haram,” she told state radio.
READ THE FULL STORY: Counter-insurgency force: Washington backs UN resolution on Boko Haram regional force
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