"Senator Enyinnaya Abaribe is reported to have stated that: The Supreme Court is wrong. The law does not allow one arm of the government to stop another arm of government from performing its duties.The Supreme Court cannot stop us from legislating and if they say that the Supreme Court should stopp us from making laws, it is misleading and it amounts to misreading the powers of the Supreme Court,”

Really, no court has such power to stop the legislature from performing its functions or hold it down for the mr. president or the excecutive arm of the government. Only that if the actions or the law made by the legislature are not inline with the provisions of the counstitution can the Judiciary declear such as null and void but not that the body should stop performing any of its mandated constitunational duties pending the determination of any case before the court or supreme court wahtsoever.
The Nigerian courts must stop taking any case, which pits the judiciary against the constitutional powers of the legislature. The courts, including the Supreme Court are treading on very dangerous territory, when they presume to regulate the legislative authority of the National Assembly.
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