TEXTS: Acts 16:6-10; Isaiah 60:9, 18.
The Lord gave our G.O, Pastor (Dr.) E.O. Abina, the vision to cover all the Continents of the World by Year 2010 (Vision 2010) and to the glory of God, this was achieved in year 2010.
Right now, the burden of the ministry is to cover all the nations of the world in each continent. This is in consonance with the Great Commission (Matt. 28:19-20). It is a task that must be done, if indeed we are to retain the word ‘International’ in our name. Our coverage is still currently far from our expectations, and hence the need for this prayer.

Apostle Paul spent altogether thirteen years planting Churches: first missionary journey A.D. 47-54 about three years; second missionary journey A.D. 50-54; four to five years; third missionary journey A.D. 54-58; at least four years. Paul spent only about ten yeas for establishing a regional apostolic network (which covered his second and third missionary journeys). He had over fifty individuals involved with his apostolic ministry in the Mediterranean regions.
From the composition of his apostolic network, we can see the geographical and spiritual coverage of his ministerial mantle. It covered “the world” of his time. His ministry was established over a geographical region of many advancements: intellectualism, politics, military, commerce, trading, agriculture and industry. Paul had indeed developed, the largest regional network of ministry recorded in the Bible. He had active fellowship and associations with people in most of the essential cities of his time.
Right now, the GOFAMINT has Churches in some countries of Europe, such as England, Ireland, Belgium and France. There are still several nations in Europe which we are yet to cover. Even the nations where we are now, our impact is yet to be felt as desired. We must pray hard for better results. The same scenario plays itself out in America (North and South) while in Asia or Middle East, we only exist for now in Philippines, United Arab Emirate and Israel. Australia is a separate continent and we bless God that we had made incultion into the capital city most recently (2010).
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will surely bring to performance our desire to occupy all other nations for Him in Jesus’ name. This prayer session will create in us a big burden to fulfill the great commission with the urgency it deserves. The Lord will also use this prayer session to provide the needed finance in local and foreign currencies.
1. Let us bless the Lord for the advances that have been made so far on our foreign mission fields by highly committed missionaries.
2. Let us also give thanks to God for the financial resources so far raised both in local and foreign currencies that facilitates entrance into these nations.
3. We cover all our foreign missionaries with the Blood of Jesus and with the glory of God as they go to the foreign fields with the message of the gospel, even in hostile territories.
4. O Lord, we commit into Your hands the nations in the Missionary Window ’10-40’, that you will grant us grace for a strategic advance of the gospel into these Nations in Jesus’ name.
5. O Lord, let Your glory manifest in us as we enter into various unreached areas in Jesus’ name.
6. We pray that there will be Macedonian doors that will fling open for us to enter and we shall possess all needed logistic backing to these countries in Jesus’ name.
7. O Lord, it is time to enlarge the coasts of GOFAMINT globally. Let every spirit of impossibility, Goliath, Sanbalat and Tobiah bow before us as we take giant steps of faith to the Nations.
8. As our Churches in USA have just got a new national leadership, let us pray that the Holy Ghost will work with them and give them a revisit of Pentecostal revival.
9. Pray that our Churches in USA will become financial hub of blessings for many of our Foreign Mission fields and as they sow to these fields, their capacities too should continue to be enlarged in Jesus’ name.
10. In the Middle East, our Church has been feebly footed in Israel and United Arab Emirate. These are very hard grounds. Pray that as we rekindle the fire in Israel, the Lord will grant us more open doors with massive conversions of the indigenes, and strengthen our base in United Arab Emirate.
11. Our Church plans to make further gains into such Muslim strongholds as Jordan, Quarter and Malaysia. Let us pray for open doors that will make this a possibility this year.
12. Let us pray for our Foreign Missions Board, being led by the G.O, Pastor (Dr.) E.O. Abina, that God will grant divine insight and revelation to them that will make the financing of these foreign fields relatively stress-free.
13. Asia currently commands the largest human population in the world with China nearly 1.4 billion and India 1.1 billion. Our Church has no physical presence in any of these nations, let us therefore pray that the Lord will raise up groaners, goers and givers for these lands.
14. Our Church in Canada needs to be strengthened for further expansion. Let us pray that help will arise for us in this country so that the Church will grow stronger to become a sower field for others.
15. Our Church needs to have stronger physical presence in South America. Let us pray that covenant helpers will rise for GOFAMINT in these locations.
16. Our Church in Australia needs strong financial support. Let us pray that covenant helpers will rise for us in that continent to strengthen the mission.
17. Let us pray that God will raise up strong professionals, who can use their connections as tent makers to help many of our existing foreign Missions fields, especially with the model being canvassed at Philippines.
18. Let us also pray that in the same way God raised ministry associates for Paul who spanned so many careers and professions, He will also raise for us in GOFAMINT in both public and private sectors.
19. Let us pray that in as much the exchange rate of Naira to Dollars makes it an uphill task to fund these fields from Nigeria, the Lord will raise up financial support in the currencies of the host nations of our foreign fields.
20. Pray that our Church will be able to ride upon the challenge of technological interface of these advanced nations to present the gospel to them at their various levels.
21. Pray that none of these nations moral bankruptcy will affect our members resident there, this should rather be catalysts of change and revival for them.
22. Because the Lord told the people of Israel, “you have stayed for too long on this side of the mountain…”, pray that the spirit of “Kadesh Barnear” that goes round in circles creating slackness in possessing the land, will not come upon us in our bid to possess more nations for Christ.
23. O Lord, cause Your terror to fall upon those illegal occupants of our territories and send hornets before us to scare them away. Declare that we will inherit the land and many souls will be brought to God through us this year.
24. Pray for all our Missionaries in these foreign fields that they will be baptized with a special anointing for advancing the gospel in their locations through signs and wonders
Those who want new ventures, doors and territories to be opened before them for an advantageous entrance of the gospel into people’s lives.
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