DAY 20: TUESDAY 21ST JANUARY 2014 TEXT: Romans 8:1-16

God knows this and that is why He made a provision for a Counsellor. “And I will pray the Father and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever. Even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth Him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know Him; for hedwelleth with you, and shall be in you” (John 14:16-17).
The Comforter is no other but the Holy Spirit. His purpose of coming to this world was to represent the God-head and assist the believer to fulfill their mandate on earth. With Him, the era of failure is gone. There is no room for excuse of failure in Christian life. Every failure in any area of Christian life can be attributed to the absence of the Holy Spirit. At a point in time in Paul Apostles life, it was failure galore as he expressed it in Romans 7:14-24. The story however changed in his life in the next chapter, Romans chapter 8 which is our Scripture reading today. The more of the Holy Spirit we have in our lives the better. That is what makes our prayer today crucial and pertinent. However, it all depends on how hungry we are.
Let us pray:
1. Holy spirit of God, we are hungry and eagerly waiting for You today. Manifest Yourself in our midst and fill us to the brim in Jesus’ name.
2. We confess that we are weak, come and fill us with Your power and turn our lives around positively in Jesus’ name.
3. Without You we can do but nothing, meet us and fill our lives with Your power, Holy Spirit, that we may be able to do what we are supposed to do in life in Jesus’ name.
4. Open our eyes to see Your glory and to walk in the consciousness of Your presence all the days of our lives in Jesus’ name.
5. Help us to know the way and the will of the Lord more and be committed oh blessed Holy Spirit.
6. Holy Spirit, we desire a more intimate relationship with You, keep us closer to Yourself in Jesus’ name.
7. Give us hearing ear and seeing eyes that we may hear You clearly and follow You closely in Jesus’ name.
8. We dont want to walk alone in the wilderness of this world, guide and lead us as You did to Israelites in the wilderness in those days through the pillar of fire and cloud, dear Holy Spirit.
9. Help us not to rely on our human wisdom or the arm of the flesh to run the affairs of our lives in Jesus’ name.
10. Holy Spirit, we need You as the vicar of our Church, work through our ministers that divine will and purpose shall be fulfilled in our Church.
11. Work in the lives of all our members and workers that they may be preaching and witnessing wherever and whenever they expected to do so.
12. Help us not to disobey You in important areas of our lives any longer and turn our failures to success in Jesus’ name.
13. Whatever You want each of us to do, help us to understand and do likewise.
14. Wherever You want each of us to go for You, help us to hear and heed in Jesus’ name.
15. What is my “Isaac” that You want me to give to You sacrificially? Tell me and help me to give it to You.
16. Wherever there is any short-coming and short-fall in our lives, Holy Spirit, fill the vacuums with Your fullness.
17. Help me and every member of my family not to grieve You all the days of our lives in Jesus’ name.
18. Grant us the power to fulfil our destiny and our mandates in life in Jesus’ name.
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