The world is so attractive, looking for opportunity to waste you. The destination of all Uncleanness is Hell Fire, no argument about it.
In my last post, I told you that Jesus said, only (6) people are ready for Rapture in Nigeria, many people condemned me instead of asking questions. In my "ALONE with CHRIST" I asked him, why only six people in Nigeria? what about me? What about all the men of God? The Choirs, ministers, Pastors, Evangelist, Bishops, Christians, etc? Jesus gave an answer and send me to tell you the reasons probably you may take the advantage and SAVE your Soul from Hell.
Jesus said, the offense of Satan was Pride, Rebellion, but it came from his imaginations. Jesus said, he was only imagined it in his heart before God rebuked him. So, "Satan is using the same tactics to make sure it will be too difficult for humanity to Enter Heaven. And; " This is the last instruments that Satan will use before the Rapture.
With the thoughts of what you saw, what to eat, where to live, where to work, how to become Graduate, how to become the best, to become an achiever, how to fights your enemy ,"who to marry, your family problem, the Boko Haram, Bad government, your boss palaver, those Posts that demanding argument, those Porn around you, and those things you filled your heart with on radio, tv, system & mobiles phone will always brings Ungodly thoughts in your heart and makes you not READY for RAPTURE.
Satan said, If God could rebuked me and banned me in Heaven because of my imaginations, humanity is Doom. I will pollute all the inhabitants of Earth and distracted their heart from Godly imagination, so they won't be Ready and Saved.
Jesus said, "Olumuyiwa, you used to be distracted a lot whenever you are going out and seen all these ladies almost naked. And is true!!! Before I walked 5meters, I will see different Demonic in human body, with Open breast, Open waist, purposely exposing their pants, looking seductive, "they would polluted my imaginations every seconds. Jesus said, with their thoughts in your heart, you won't be READY. .
If you are a lady exposing your body, revealing your breast, bra, waist, pant, and polluting men's heart with Uncleanness of your body in their imagination, you are a Demonic, your father is Devil, you better repent before you die because you are going to Hell. "You are fallen more than 400 men who sees your Breast, Waist, Hips, and your Red-pant daily. Instead of winning Souls for Christ with God beauty in you, you are busy falling humanity with those rags you called fashion. Am sorry, you are going to Hell. No argument about it. .
And for you men/boys that are sagging, you are bringing SHAME upon yourself. Jesus said, Olumuyiwa, shut the door of your heart against any appearance of Uncleanness so they won't make you not ready for Rapture. From Now On, whenever am walking on streets, and sees those Demons coming, I look down, so they won't make my heart Unclean.
I was in a church some years ago, when the Usher saw these Jezebel entered the church and walked straightforward to the front role, the User would send them to the back seat, not only that, "the woman would said............... Don't come here and FALL OUR PASTOR. Instead of sending them to the back seat, why not tell them to STOP coming to the HOUSE OF GOD naked??? I asked! Madam said, "these ones? They won't come again.
From now on, anytime you see any women in a seductive dress, considered them Demons Devil is using to pollutes your heart with Uncleanness so you won't be ready for rapture. Guard your heart against any appearance of Ungodly and Evil Imaginations.
Isaiah,14v12-16, 12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. 15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. 16 They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;
In my last post, I told you that Jesus said, only (6) people are ready for Rapture in Nigeria, many people condemned me instead of asking questions. In my "ALONE with CHRIST" I asked him, why only six people in Nigeria? what about me? What about all the men of God? The Choirs, ministers, Pastors, Evangelist, Bishops, Christians, etc? Jesus gave an answer and send me to tell you the reasons probably you may take the advantage and SAVE your Soul from Hell.
Jesus said, the offense of Satan was Pride, Rebellion, but it came from his imaginations. Jesus said, he was only imagined it in his heart before God rebuked him. So, "Satan is using the same tactics to make sure it will be too difficult for humanity to Enter Heaven. And; " This is the last instruments that Satan will use before the Rapture.
With the thoughts of what you saw, what to eat, where to live, where to work, how to become Graduate, how to become the best, to become an achiever, how to fights your enemy ,"who to marry, your family problem, the Boko Haram, Bad government, your boss palaver, those Posts that demanding argument, those Porn around you, and those things you filled your heart with on radio, tv, system & mobiles phone will always brings Ungodly thoughts in your heart and makes you not READY for RAPTURE.
Satan said, If God could rebuked me and banned me in Heaven because of my imaginations, humanity is Doom. I will pollute all the inhabitants of Earth and distracted their heart from Godly imagination, so they won't be Ready and Saved.
Jesus said, "Olumuyiwa, you used to be distracted a lot whenever you are going out and seen all these ladies almost naked. And is true!!! Before I walked 5meters, I will see different Demonic in human body, with Open breast, Open waist, purposely exposing their pants, looking seductive, "they would polluted my imaginations every seconds. Jesus said, with their thoughts in your heart, you won't be READY. .
If you are a lady exposing your body, revealing your breast, bra, waist, pant, and polluting men's heart with Uncleanness of your body in their imagination, you are a Demonic, your father is Devil, you better repent before you die because you are going to Hell. "You are fallen more than 400 men who sees your Breast, Waist, Hips, and your Red-pant daily. Instead of winning Souls for Christ with God beauty in you, you are busy falling humanity with those rags you called fashion. Am sorry, you are going to Hell. No argument about it. .
And for you men/boys that are sagging, you are bringing SHAME upon yourself. Jesus said, Olumuyiwa, shut the door of your heart against any appearance of Uncleanness so they won't make you not ready for Rapture. From Now On, whenever am walking on streets, and sees those Demons coming, I look down, so they won't make my heart Unclean.
I was in a church some years ago, when the Usher saw these Jezebel entered the church and walked straightforward to the front role, the User would send them to the back seat, not only that, "the woman would said............... Don't come here and FALL OUR PASTOR. Instead of sending them to the back seat, why not tell them to STOP coming to the HOUSE OF GOD naked??? I asked! Madam said, "these ones? They won't come again.
From now on, anytime you see any women in a seductive dress, considered them Demons Devil is using to pollutes your heart with Uncleanness so you won't be ready for rapture. Guard your heart against any appearance of Ungodly and Evil Imaginations.
Isaiah,14v12-16, 12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. 15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. 16 They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;
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