The attention of the Nigerian Army has been drawn to a 5 part campaign of calumny by “The Cable”, an online medium in which it serialized what they described as undercover story of how wounded soldiers were abandoned by the Nigerian Army, the government and the Nigerian society by reporters of International Centre for Investigative Reporting (ICIR). This allegation is not true.
Apart from questioning the motive of the medium, it is pertinent to state that most of narrations were outright falsehood and calculated attempt to cause disaffection amongst personnel and create an impression that they care about the well being of troops more than the Nigerian Army, the government and the nation. This is far from the truth as they failed to update their previous knowledge and impression about the Nigerian Army, neither did they avail themselves the benefit of the current and true situation of things in the Service.
Nigerian Army has given all organizations and individuals the opportunity to clear any doubt through the various Army Headquarters Department, formations and units and in particular, the Directorate of Army Public Relations and the Department of Civil Military Affairs.
Unfortunately, these under cover agents failed to availed themselves with such opportunity.
No country would tolerate the attitude of subversive elements such as the ICIR and its partner medium, The Cable, especially at the very critical national security situation. They want to demoralize and instigate the soldiers to reverse the gains made in the fight against terrorism and insurgency.
Some of the stories being narrated by the medium could better be described as orchestrated campaign of calumny, otherwise how else could one describe their fabrication about the alleged abandonment of a soldier by his imaginary commander as stated in one of their narrations?
It is therefore safe to conclude that ICIR and The Cable have embarked on yet another round of subversive activities in order to portray the Nigerian Army and the nation as uncaring. This is in an effort to score cheap popularity or create an aura of a professional investigative journalists for themselves. They are far from that, rather they are bunch of fifth columnists that enhance the work of crisis merchants and terrorists.
It is important to state that most of what they were alleging took place between 2012 and early 2015. This did not take into account the changes and progress recorded within the last one year especially with the coming on board of the present Chief of Army Staff, Lieutenant General TY Buratai in July 2015. Their embarrassing pieces did not also take into account the genuine and verifiable efforts made to rehabilitate our soldiers wounded in action in the North East and other theatre of operations. For anybody to state that the present government does not care about the plight of soldiers is to say the least, it is most uncharitable. The President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration has demonstrated most uncommon concern about our well being in terms of logistics, welfare and general administration.
The medium in their failed attempt to whip up sentiments, conjured facts and photographs to suit their selfish and condemnable objectives. It is in this regards the Nigerian Army deemed it necessary to call their bluff and set the records straight with a view to portray the writers for what they are; cheap blackmailers. They have also declared themselves as enemies of the people as they do not wish the war against terrorism and insurgency to succeed hence their distractive and demoralizing lies. We are also constrained to release the attached video clip of one of our wounded colleague using the prosthesis which The Cable alleged was uncomfortable. Let the discerning minds be the judge. It is pertinent to state that this same type was given to the soldier they interviewed.
With the title “Investigation Broken Limbs, Shattered Dreams, Forgotten Soldiers, Boko Haram War” among other dubious and misleading titles, the medium is determined to demoralize the military and cause rancour. Unfortunately for them their allegations are concocted lies, otherwise how else could one believe the story of a soldier who alleged that he was shot while guarding his commander who did not come out despite the commotion. The question to ask is who sent in the reinforcement and who was the alleged commander, when and where exactly did that happen?
It may interest the medium to note that nobody has forgotten any soldier, least of all the Nigerian Army. In fact, the Nigerian Army takes pride and joy in the current impressive performances of its soldiers.
Therefore, it is out of place that it will ever neglect, let alone forget any of its soldiers especially at their hours of need after they have always given the nation all thier best.
For the avoidance of doubt, no fewer than 17 officers and soldiers of the Nigerian Army were issued with prosthesis including Gunner Nwibani Sorborinor, the soldier they interviewed. The soldier in question was just being unnecessarily obstinate simply because he was not taken to India for treatment unlike the others. This is not deliberate because as at that time, India could not grant visa to the injured soldiers for some inexplicable reasons hence to locally source for solution which turned out to be more apt and most appropriate.
Additionally, from July 2015 to date, no fewer than 71 officers and soldiers with medical issues were medically evacuated to various countries such as India, UAE, Scotland and Germany by the Nigerian Army. It is important to note that while some were treated abroad, others were treated here in Nigeria by specialists based on the severity of their cases. Those with prosthetic limbs made in India are 16 in number, while those with prosthetic limbs procured in Nigeria are 9 in number. The latter have benefitted from locally made prosthesis because it is better, most fitting and they are doing very well contrary to medium’s allegations. The attached video clip speaks for itself. It is interesting to also note that the prosthetics in Nigeria were procured from Roseline Medical Centre Lagos, which is one of the best and reputable in that field. One expect the so-called investigative journalists to visit India and Roseline Medical Centre and compare their products and interview other beneficiaries before being judgemental.
The Nigerian Army has nothing to hide, neither will it tolerate any infraction among its personnel especially when it comes to troops welfare.
The public are therefore kindly requested to discountenance the serial write ups by ICIR and The Cable Online medium as they are pure fabrications aimed at distracting the Nigerian Army from succeeding in the fight against Boko Haram terrorists by demoralizing the troops.
Such write ups are therefore unacceptable, inaccurate and exist only in the writers’ fertile imagination.
You are kindly requested to disseminate this rejoinder and attached video clip to the public through your medium.
Thank you for your kind cooperation.
Colonel Sani Kukasheka Usman
Acting Director Army Public Relations
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