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Wednesday, 7 December 2016


Good day esteemed fellow and darling new media companions. We hope you are having a swell time even in the midst of man made recession we are currently battling in Nigeria. Well... God is good! God has being so good to us!... 

Our activities as Kwara Hero has continue attracting wide patronage. Many people has sent us series of request and others even wants to collaborate with us. Infact,....... So much is expected of us! By God's grace, we will do our best to live up to expectation of our teeming admirers! The comprehensive report of Ondo State Gubernatorial Election is still loading! We will post the table of content of the report soonest so that people will have an idea of what to expect. The report will be as explicit and detailed as possible. We hope it will make an interesting reading. To all of those who has nothing but negative words to say "bring it on" we dare you! To all of you who have constructive criticisms, you are welcomed! To all those who enjoy our work, behold, the best is yet to come. Hmmmmmp! We had to gratify Alhaji (Hon.) Kayode La-kadri post with a reply! And indeed, a respectful reply! His post, to the myopic minds would seem as an indirect jibes at the likes of Great Sholyment, Kayode Ogunlowo, Kayode Oyin Zubair, Mai Gaskiya, Yahaya Habib, Geri Alimi, Amebo Niger, Kamaldeen Agbaji, AbdulRahman Ola Uthman, Shagaya Kabeer Oladimeji, Salihu Ayatullahi, Muyideen Bola, Kwara Hero and a host of others. BUT, KWARA HERO IS NEVER MYOPIC! WE SAW IN THAT POST AN ELDER WHO WAS TRYING TO SENSIBLY APPEAL TO THE MINDS OF SOCIAL CRUSADERS, E-RATS OR CYBER DOGS AS THE CASE MAY BE. THE ELDER WAS APPEALING TO THOSE WHOSE POSTS AND RELEASES ARE HIGHLY CRITICAL OF THE CURRENT POLITICAL LEADERSHIP IN KWARA STATE. 

Hon. Kayode La-kadri, we wish to make it clear to you in very honest terms that our intentions are not to cause problems in our Darling State. Infact, we are doing all the things we do because we are looking for solutions to the "PROBLEMS" already existing! We are not critics, we states reality as it truly is. But in our work, we have discovered that some people because of what they are benefitting, dislike reality. If the current political leadership in Kwara State, will just for God sake, look around and see how massive the sufferings in our community is, and their hearts becomes moved to doing something right about it, Kwara Hero would not have reasons to criticize them. 
We are quite aware of your closeness to Saraki Dynasty and the current Kwara State Governor, Abulfatah Ahmed, and we are much aware of the benefit you are deriving from them. However, it is important to state that we have never criticised you as we do to Sulyman Maja, Nasir Subair, Lanre Daibu, once to Bolakale Ajanaku and co. You have no "bad" or "dented" record. You are not a "luciferous element" which is why we will approach your commentary without malice. Indeed, The Glorious Qur'an and Holy Bible spells doom and woes unto people who engage in black mail. But, are we actually black mailing Sai Maigida when we called him a chain weed smoker? Hon. La-kadri....... You know we are telling the truth now! Are we black mailing Nasir Subair if we tell the whole world how he wickedly sited a constituency project i.e. borehole in his personal house. Are we telling lie if we reveal how Bolakale Ajanaku defrauded the family of Senate President Saraki's Late Ghanain driver of six million, three hundred and fifty thousand naira, and while in secondary school, defrauded his school, GSS Ilorin. It isn't a lie. You know we are telling the truth! Kwara Hero will never tell lies against anyone for any reason. WE SIMPLY DON'T NEED TO! 

Another thing whch we wish to add is, black mailers usually uses dirty secret, impure action or disgraceful information in their bid to extort money or material out of their victim. GOD IS OUR WITNESS! WE HAVE NEVER AND WILL NEVER ENGAGE IN ACTS OF EXTORTING MONEY OR MATERIAL THINGS FROM ANYONE! WE ARE AN INDEPENDENT BODY AND NOT SUBJECTED TO PAYMENT OR RENUMERATION BY ANYONE!! WE HAVE SAID IT BEFORE NOW AND WE WILL CONTINUE TO SAY IT BECAUSE IT IS THE TRUTH!!! WE DO NOT KNOW LAI MOHAMMED AS WE HAVE NEVER MET HIM AND WE DON'T INTEND TO CONTACT HIM!!! WE ARE FIRM BELIEVERS IN THE FACT THAT MANKIND ARE UNPREDICTABLE!... HENCE, WE CHOSE THOSE WHOM WE RELATE WITH VERY CAREFULLY!... THE FACT THAT SOMEONE IS OUR FRIEND TODAY DOESN'T MEAN WE WILL NOT HOLD HIM IN THE JUGULAR, THE MOMENT HE STARTS MESSING UP!... Hon. Lakadri, you advised us to desist from attacking personalities! We challenge you to advice Senator Saraki and Governor Ahmed to be doing things rightly! As we beg to differ on that... Kwara Hero is an institution that transcend the boundaries of Kwara State. 

If our state, created in 1967 is lagging behind states created 30 years after ours was in existence, It is our duty to speak out and if need be, attack those we perceive as being responsible for this inequality! A social crusader once said "in the fight for the emancipation of the masses, any on looker is either a traitor or a conformist". For us to keep silent amidst the "evil"being committed by our leaders makes us either to be a traitor or a conformist! WE ARE NEITHER OF THE TWO! You stated briefly that we must not resort to black mail just because we don't buy the opinion of the current political leadership. Bukola Saraki was trained in London. 

Abdulfatah Ahmed studied here in Nigeria, but as Governor, he has visited many countries in the world! Can they get away with the atrocities they are committing against the people of Kwara, if they dared to carry out same in London? If Bukola Saraki could be accused of false asset declaration in UK, do you know what will happen? David Cameron's father simply benefited from the proceeds of the account in Panama! Just because of that; a very serious, heated and gruesome attack was launched at him. Infact, we are tempted to believe that the parliament refused to support his proposal for the UK to remain in the European Union just because they needed him out of office! We know how things are in Nigeria of today! Many people value Ghana must go sack filled with money more than their life, conscience and integrity! Hence, we will never keep quite in the face of the evil being committed by our Leaders! 

If God will now decide to punish us because we are exposing evil, what is then the purpose of the Qur'an and Bible? Can Allah, Jehovah, God, Lord support inequity? Are our current leaders Godly People? Who amongst them can come out and beat his chest to say he has never committed grievous atrocities against his fellow citizenry? The answers are obvious! The current recess going on in Nigeria is man made, purposely inflicted upon Nigerians to ensure that fellow citizens of Nigeria can be bought with billions naira,the way Ondo people were bought during the recently concluded Gubernatorial Election in Ondo State. 

We are not black mailers! And if God will choose to punish us for what we are doing, that is a matter God himself must decide and not man! .......And beside, our God will never do that for He is Lord of Justice! However, Kwara Hero was set up via divine inspiration and visitation. This is why we are thriving! We have just began, by God's infinite pleasure, we will continue to get better! So help us God! Hon La-Kadri, we appreciate you! However, we also implore you to keep doing the good you are doing! Since we don't have any negative record against you to criticise! If you must know; we sent a congratulatory message, on the congratulatory post of our elder brother, Sulyman Maja, which he scripted in felicitating with the person of Mallam Abdulganiy Bolaji Abdullahi, who recently became National Publicity Secretary of the governing All Progressives Congress (APC). 

When the right people are elevated and assigned to portfolio, we will applaud it. But when you put a square peg in a round hole like the current SUBEB CHAIRMAN, Ladi Hassan, that replaced the Fantastically Corrupt Lanre Daibu, we criticise such appointment! However, we applaud the selection of Mallam Abdulganiyu Bolaji Abdullahi as National Publicity Secretary, not minding the policy he initiated and spearheaded while he was Kwara State Commissioner for Education, in which he stipulated that Government Secondary School (GSS) Ilorin should be a full boarding school. 

A policy which forced many students out of GSS Ilorin, and deprived many who are interested to attend GSS Ilorin, the right of attendance... A policy which increased the cost of students fees and made many parents to resort to withdrawn their wards because they were not able to afford it. 

Thank you Alhaji (Hon.) Kayode Lakadri

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