The notable and historical empires and kingdoms like Old Ghana, Songhai, Malian, Kanem-Borno, and Oyo Empires and the Independent Hausa states all felled as a result of the Islamic Jihadists attacks.
Just like Boko Haram of today in Nigeria, Islamic Almoravids militants led by Abdullah ibn Yasin forced the ever flourished Old Ghana Empire {which existed between AD 300 and eleven century} on her knees and put an end to its existence through their Boko_Haram-like attacks. The Akan people of present day Ghana who have trace their ancestral to that empire may still have in their memory, the evil of Islamism in Africa by the Sanhaja Berber Islamic movement called Almoravids who made consistent attacks on Ghana until it became history .
Like Nigeria, Old Ghana Empire also embraced peoples of of different languages and cultures - the Susu, the Tekrur, the Mande and the Berber of the Audoghast who formed the Almoravids. Almoravids movement had religious, Commercial and Political motives for the Invasion of Ghana empire.
The Empire of Mali fell in that same manner When Islamic Fanatics in Gao joined forces with Ali Kolen and Sulayman in an attack that led to the crumbly weakened of the empire.
The genuine Muslim in Nigeria, the Sultans, the Emirs, and many other fanatical Muslim bigots will never condemn the Boko Haram attacks on Nigeria state because that was the manners and how Islam was established in Nigeria of today. Any one among the Muslim condemning the attacks of this deadly group, must be doing so for political reasons. After the Collapsed of the Songhai Empire as a result of the Moroccan conquest as aided by Muslim and Non-Muslim internal strives, the Kenem-Borno and other Independent Hausa states that rose to the status of their contemporary states of that time were destroyed by the Usuman dan Fodio's Jihad in the early nineteenth century .
The dan Fodio's Fulani aberration that led to the collapsed of the Old Oyo Empire will live forever in the memory of the Oduduwa peoples as the Kankanfo Afanja rebellion was successfully achieved with the tremendous aid of Fulani in 1817 and what followed then in Yoruba land was civil war as result of the demise of the Oyo empire.
As predicted by those which Nigeria state has been serving as a threat to, Nigeria will inevitably brake into many smaller states after the Boko Haram and other internal political strives (struggle for power that made all of us and most importantly, the Ruling class blind to the dangers that the Boko Haram has been forcing upon Nigeria) aided by the external factors of the world powers that has continue to arming them, just as it happened to all the empires that had rose to honour in the history of these regions.
When it is obviously visible that the Nigeria state cannot contain the Boko Haram insurgency, any region(s) that is willing to exit from the federation will intensify their efforts and may achieve it.
The current international efforts to curb the menace of Boko Haram and free the kidnapped Chibok Schoolgirls may not yield the desire results as many of the so called friendly countries are the one that are actually producing and transporting most of the weapons to the criminals that are hellbent in destroying Nigeria.
There is no doubt that President Jonathan and his administration is weak and very weak indeed and corrupt. Every empire tend to collapse under the weak and corrupt leaders but if Nigeria will continue as a state, we must put an end to corrupt practices and individual selfish interest and genuinely work for common good of our land.
I will Equally agree with military training for all and sundry who are Nigerian citizens starting from primary school level to our institutions of higher learning.
(While history will not forget the roles it plays as a state to restored peace to some of the troubled African states and the world at large; either Nigeria stand to exit as a state or not, I see Africa in the Fore Front among the powerful of the earth ).
(While history will not forget the roles it plays as a state to restored peace to some of the troubled African states and the world at large; either Nigeria stand to exit as a state or not, I see Africa in the Fore Front among the powerful of the earth ).
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